Ergotec shell set for stem 31. 8 to 25.4 AL6061 black sandbla st
13,92 €
H' Bar-Adapter 31.8 für Licht & Computer schwarz sand
38,60 €
Kiox Displayholder plastic for h-bar 31.8 assembly black PA6 GF30
32,98 €
Kiox Displayholder plastic for faceplate assembly black PA6 GF30
12,90 €
Adapter SP-Connect incl. fitting and screw black
13,92 €
Ergotec stem Ahead Adapter 328.6, 117 mmAL6061 T6silver
44,65 €
Ergotec stem Ahead Adapter 4 28.6, 107 mmAL6061 T6black sand Level 6
67,64 €
Ergotec stem Ahead Adapter 328.6,117mmAL6061 T6black
44,65 €
Ergotec Ahead Adapter28.6/22.2-25.4mmAL6061 T6silver
25,29 €
Ergotec Adapter Up&Down Turn 325.4mm, 72,5-172,5 mmAL6061 T6black sand
120,88 €
stem faceplate mount for KIOX lightIntegra BKAL6061 T6black sand
18,76 €
Ergotec shell set for stem 35 to 31.8 AL6061 black sandblast
13,92 €
Ergotec stem Ahead Adapter 328.6, 117 mmAL6061 T6black sand
44,65 €